Best East African Self-Drive Safaris A First-Timer’s Guide

Best East African Self-Drive Safaris & Tours A First-Timer’s Guide. Is a safari to East Africa in your future? Self-drive Safaris were first popular in East Africa, making that region perfect for first-timers. It provides a low-pressure introduction to the continent with beautiful landscapes, a variety of animals, and knowledgeable guides. Unwind on idyllic island paradises like Zanzibar or visit world-renowned locations like Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya.

OUR SAFARI OF A LIFETIME (Serengeti Tanzania)

East African Self-drive Safari Destinations

East Africa is the perfect starting point for your “African safari” adventure. The word “safari” literally means “journey” in Swahili, the language of the region where the safari originated. Self-drive Safaris nowadays are all about having exciting, responsible experiences with amazing animals, so you can forget about what you seen in the movies. Are you prepared to plan the ideal safari for your first trip to Africa?

For a first-rate self-drive safari experience, East Africa is the place to go. We’re talking breathtaking landscapes (hello, Kilimanjaro!), an abundance of knowledgeable wildlife guides, and an inviting atmosphere. Places like Zanzibar, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda come to mind. Why not also embark on a hike through verdant rainforest in the hopes of seeing rare gorillas or see animals scurrying over expansive plains? You may plan your East African journey for nearly any time of year thanks to the unexpectedly nice climate.

Self-drive safaris Uganda

Self-Drive Safaris Uganda
Our experts at Car Rental Drives Africa can craft an exciting and varied schedule for your once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Uganda. Allow us to assist you in crafting a meticulously organized schedule that incorporates your transportation, lodging, and (if preferred) permits for gorillas and chimpanzees. Feel free to take the wheel on your own adventure or opt for a guided tour with one of our knowledgeable local guides.

We hand-select stunning lodges for our self-drive tours so you can relax after a day on the road. We take special care to seek out remarkable locations, and we give preference to eco-friendly boutique hotels that offer the most value for money.

From making hotel reservations to arranging for car rentals and providing roadside support, our Car Rental Drives Africa team is at your service every step of the way. Using direct bookings allows you to avoid middlemen, receive the best rates, and communicate easily. Are you prepared to discover the wonders of Uganda?

Self-drive safaris Kenya

Self-Drive Safaris Kenya
The pioneer in Kenyan self-drive vacation vehicle and camping equipment rental service is Car Rental Drives Africa. When renting a car in Kenya, what documents are required? Strong 4×4 capable of navigating rough terrain and dependable service in the event of an emergency.

We use Toyota Landcruisers that have a pop-up roof for our fleet. We never use outside vendors or subcontractors; in fact, we own every rental car. A road map, insurance, and round-the-clock roadside support are all part of our rental packages.

Want the most leeway and freedom on your Kenyan road trip? Get a tent for the ground or one for the roof. Everything you need for a camping trip in Kenya is included in the complete package of high-quality gear, including a mattress, sleeping bag, headlights, cooking utensils, table, chairs, and more.

Find a 4×4 and start making plans for your Kenyan road adventure.

self-drive safaris Tanzania

Self-Drive Safaris Tanzania
For your once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Tanzania, Car Rental Drives Africa can craft an itinerary that is both relaxing and exciting. Get in touch with us if you need assistance organizing your rental car, park permits, and lodging for a well-planned road trip. Feel free to take the wheel on your own adventure or opt for a guided tour with one of our knowledgeable local guides.

Our self-drive tours include stays in picturesque campgrounds and hotels, perfect for unwinding after a day on the road. We take special care to seek out remarkable locations, and we give preference to eco-friendly boutique hotels that offer the most value for money.

From making hotel reservations to arranging for car rentals and providing roadside support, our Car Rental Drives Africa team is at your service every step of the way. Using direct bookings allows you to avoid middlemen, receive the best rates, and communicate easily. Would you like to discover the wonders of Tanzania?

self-drive safaris Rwanda

Self-drive safaris Rwanda
Are you arranging the ideal Rwandan self-drive safari? If you’re looking for a reliable car rental company in Rwanda that offers 4WD vehicles with ground or rooftop tents, go no further than Car Rental Drives Africa. Get out and about in your rental car, exploring the nearby countries at your leisure, just like a real traveler.

During a Self-Drive Safari Rwanda, you will have complete control over your experience. You get to choose how long you want to spend observing animals while game driving through some of the best game parks in Africa.

In the mood to have a memorable Rwanda safari? No need to fret; we provide self-drive safaris in Rwanda so you may see the land of a thousand hills at your own pace. Our car rental services should be your first choice whenever you visit Rwanda or Uganda. Affordable and robust safari vehicles are part of our fleet and will provide you with the utmost comfort and pleasure on your vacation. In order to make the most of your self-drive safari in Rwanda or Uganda, we have a fleet of beautiful and rugged vehicles available, including 4X4 Safari Land Cruisers, 4X4 Safari Vans, Rav 4, and Extended Land Cruisers.

Self Drives Tours in Zanzibar

Self-drive Tours Zanzibar
There are a ton of amazing hidden gems in Zanzibar waiting for you to explore. Unfortunately, many tourist attractions are often out of reach without your own car due to the poor public transportation infrastructure.

In order to do justice to Zanzibar, you are going to have to rent a car and drive around yourself to truly see what the island has in store for you. Renting a car in a foreign country can be extremely nerve-wracking, but do not worry, we’ve got your back.

Within this guide, you will find all the information you need to rent a car and drive in Zanzibar safely and securely, with tips on where to rent, the price, and more. Without further ado, here is a complete guide to renting a car in Zanzibar.

Burundi Self-drive safaris

Self-drive safaris Burundi
A safari to Burundi is sure to be an unforgettable experience, because to the country’s diverse animals, rich culture, and breathtaking landscapes. Wildlife safaris in Burundi are becoming increasingly popular due to the country’s varied ecosystems and abundant flora and fauna. Among the many fascinating animal and plant species that may be seen at the Kibira and Ruvubu national parks are chimpanzees, hippos, elephants, and countless bird species.

Safari goers to Burundi can see all of the aforementioned animals in their natural habitats, which include verdant forests, grasslands, lakes, marshes, and more.